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We welcome any level of involvement. We know people are busy and have many commitments and obligations for their time, money, and attention.  So, feel welcome to show up for what makes sense for you, there is never any expectation of involvement beyond that. See below for ways you can make a difference.



The #1 action you can take is to stay informed and vote. We can help provide information and remind you in advance of key dates, but only you can vote.


> Register/check status to vote here

> Subscribe to Email updates here



Attend our social gatherings. Make friends. Have fun. We live in a great community with great people.


> Upcoming events are here



Show support for candidates with yard signs. Signs are a simple and effective way to have a big impact. Consider talking with your friends, family, and neighbors about voting.


> Learn how you can show support here



If you are able, consider being an election judge, a precinct or block captain, helping with events, and volunteering for campaigns. Not sure where to start? We can help.


> Learn more here



Short on time but still want to have high impact? Our candidates, committees, and township organization all need resources to reach voters and win elections. Your contribution makes a difference.


> Learn more about donating here



Become a NTRO member and join our monthly social gatherings.


> Find out more about membership here



If you are able, consider running for elected office. We need great candidates for local, state, and national office.


> Not sure where to start? We can help.


America - and our political system - has created more opportunity, more freedom, more fairness, and more joy than any other political system in human history.  Our positive impact is not just national, but global.  Our accomplishments have changed the world for the better. We have so much to be proud of, and you can help protect our legacy for the next generation.


"Ars longa, vita brevis." - Hippocrates


The New Trier Republican Organization (NTRO) exists to support candidates for elected office who believe in the principles of limited government, individual liberty, and fiscal responsibility; to promote better governance by providing informational resources; to provide guidance for individuals who believe in and support the principles of the Republican Party; to ensure the growth and influence of the Republican Party within New Trier Township; and to support the New Trier Township Republican Committeeman in achieving these objectives.

©2022 NTRO

New Trier Republican Organization

P.O. Box 301

Kenilworth, IL 60043-0301

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Paid for by the New Trier Republican Organization

A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is available on the Board’s official website ( or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois.

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